
It’s December 31st, 2025… and we’re so happy and grateful for the expansive growth we’ve experienced over the last three years by coming from our vision and making it our reality.

We are known as the world’s premier company for helping entrepreneurs/CEOs clarify and communicate their vision for the future and bring it to life.

We help companies that are committed to creating from a place of expansion and contribution vs. domination and competition.

Here’s how…

Here’s how…

Our values aren’t just inspiring words. We practice them every day. We’re not perfect… but we’re committed to being the best we can be.

We believe in
Expansive Growth.

We hold the vision, not the circumstance.

We believe in
Compassionate honesty.

We communicate with compassion and respect for others.

We believe in
Aligned action.

We grow with positive and focussed momentum.

We believe in
Full ownership.

We live on the solution side of situations.

We believe in
Fun & joy.

We generate fun and joy on the journey.


“A strong team can take any crazy vision and turn it into reality.”
- John Carmack

Our Founder and CEO is the vision-holder who upholds the frequency & integrity of our vision, cultivates our team of A-players, and focuses on strategic projects that make our vision a reality.

Our Integrator works closely with the CVO to uphold high-quality performance and standards across the board and ensure daily operations with the team and projects run smoothly.

We cultivate an environment that supports our team members to be in their unique ability, expand their capabilities, and provide them a clear growth track so they can fulfill their life vision both personally and professionally.

Some of the key roles
On our team include…

Vision Holder, Opportunity Finder, Speaking/Trainer, Coaching Team

Operations, Execution, Supporting Team. Project Management. They are in COO Alliance

Execution of marketing initiatives, managing marketing calendar, work with different agencies, tracking/data for marketing.

  • Copywriters
  • Designers
  • Developers

Running the sales team.

  • Salesperson/ Program Specialists & Sales Setters

Managing key projects and moving them forward.

Trained coaches and facilitators to guide our clients.

Gatekeeper, CEO’s right hand

Managing client relationships and projects

  • Client Delight/ Support

We also work with agencies that are aligned for tech, video, development, design, etc.

Everyone that is involved in our team whether employees or contractors, are aligned to our vision and values.


Working at Vision Driven Global

means being a self-leader.

The company is kinda like a supercharged garden bed that provides the right amount of water, sunlight, and nutrients to help our team members flourish both personally and professionally, and help the company produce positive results consistently.

We set a standard in the industry for what’s possible when it comes to company culture through values-based decision making, having each other’s back, and playing at our best. Our team communication playbook lays out how we roll when it comes to acknowledging tough conversations with compassionate honesty and cleaning up a breakdown when things don’t go as planned. We show up and set a standard for excellence…we fail forward…but don’t allow for sloppy mistakes.

Our leadership planning sessions happen in person, twice a year in beautiful locations like San Jose Del Cabo, Sedona, and Costa Rica.

We always start by anchoring to our Vivid Vision® and values, and balance the focused strategizing time with team-building activities like surf lessons and wrapping up the evenings with activities like karaoke and margaritas.

Twice a year, we take 1-2 weeks off company-wide to counterpose our intense and focused sprints so our team can rest, refresh, and spend time with their family and friends. We also offer team members self-care credits every month to ensure they are getting regular massages, acupuncture, or therapy to show up as their best.

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
- Albert Einstein

We’ve created a 5-star experience that helps entrepreneurs clarify and communicate their vision and begin to make it their reality.

Here are a few ways we help them…

We specialize in helping entrepreneurs clarify and communicate their vision for their business and life through our…

Retreats & workshops
in beautiful locations
Courses and
online trainings
DFY Vivid Vision Journey (interviewing, writing & designing process)
Vivid Vision Culture Clarifier
Vision Facilitator Certification
Retreats & workshops
in beautiful locations
Courses and
online trainings
DFY Vivid Vision Journey (interviewing, writing & designing process)
Vivid Vision Culture Clarifier
Vision Facilitator Certification
We have a powerful process for helping entrepreneurs clarify and communicate their unique marketing message that is aligned with their three-year Vivid Vision through our following offers…
Virtual and in-person
Courses and
online trainings
deep dives
A 6-12 month messaging/copy incubator

Our events sell out in less than an hour of going on sale, our courses 
and trainings have one of the highest completion rates in the industry, 
and our clients feel like they’ve gotten more in value than they paid for 
and are our raving fans and referral partners.

A couple of times per year we have “Execution Weeks” where we fly in team members to an epic location and we do a 1-2 week sprint to build out a new project or launch. We bring in massage therapists, yoga instructors, and vitamin IV’s in the evenings to counterpose and ensure we show up at our best.

Each employee is given an office swag fund when they join the team so they can set up their home office with a standing desk, laptop, dual screens, a comfy chair, and office plants for optimal productivity.

When we host client retreats and workshops, we intentionally choose beautiful five-star locations that feel expansive and life-living so our team and clients can be most creative.



We have become the world’s household name for vision-driven entrepreneurs who want to communicate their vision and message to their world.

Our sales & marketing process is a perfect representation of who we are and the message we’re here to share. It’s all guided by one of our core pillars:



Our prospects feel understood and inspired to work with us and our entire sales & marketing funnel is congruent, inviting, and results-oriented. 


Guided by our innovative CMO, our marketing team is a combination of copywriters, designers, and tech masters who really get the brand message, marketing, and are data-driven by tracking and knowing all of the key numbers. 


Our approach is to be


our ideal client is.

We are very intentional and focused when it comes to our strategy and have doubled down on JV’s/affiliates, speaking on the top in-person/virtual stages, and have two predictable selling systems through paid advertising.

Sara Blakely
Suzy batiz
Richard Branson
Elon musk

We have a top-ranked podcast and Youtube show where our founder interviews some of the world’s biggest visionaries like Sara Blakey, Suzy Batiz, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, and many others. Our content is so focused on helping vision-driven entrepreneurs that we commonly get messages from them saying, “It’s like you’re in my head” when they read, listen, or watch any of our ads or marketing.

By the time our prospects get to a conversation with one of our enrollment specialists, they are already pre-qualified, pre-motivated, and pre-positioned to want to do business with us. After they’ve worked with us, it’s very common that they sent 3-5 other entrepreneurs like them because the process and their results were so impactful.

“I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.”
– Estée Lauder

The results that we’re most proud of are the 500+ client success stories that we have received and proudly display on our website. We save & celebrate every email, video, testimonial, and win we receive from our clients often starting their sentences with, “Remember that vision we came up with? It happened!”

Media like The Wall Street Journal, Forbes,, and Inc. often reference us as…

The company behind some of the world’s biggest entrepreneurs…

The place to go to clarify & communicate your vision and message.

The company that’s transforming the way businesses set goals.

And Oprah even invited and had our founder Jennifer on Super Soul Sunday to talk about the importance of vision and referenced her as one of the…

World’s Next Generation of Conscious Leaders


Our founder is often seen speaking on some of the world’s biggest stages like Tony Robbins Business Mastery, 10X Con, TED, Genius Network Annual Event, and many others.

We were on the Inc. 5000 list the last three years in a row as one of the fastest growing companies and have won “Best Places To Work” awards.


We are thriving financially, and the abundance provides us with the resources to invest back into our business, team, client experience, and our community.

Here are our numbers from the last few years
(or something better!):

We installed a profit-sharing program for key team members so they are incentivized to build and grow the company and are financially rewarded for it.



“Life gives to the giver… and takes from the taker.”

– Joe Polish

We connect to the law of giving by infusing it into our business model and way of being.

We have initiatives where we donate a percentage of the money we earn on certain products or a buy-one-give-one model. For example, for every Vivid Vision we create, we help a budding kidpreneur to create their own Vivid Vision by developing online courses and training to help them.

We have created aligned partnerships with non-profit organizations like Genius Recovery to bring the power of vision to areas like addiction, recovery, and those who have been in difficult situations starting over.

We have fun coming up with creative ways to give a percentage of our profits each year and are starting to make a dent in our founder’s goal of giving forward over $100M+ in her lifetime.



“Don’t ask the gift to serve you, you serve the gift.”
– Mary Morrissey

During a time when things felt extra chaotic, overwhelming, and scary in my life I reached out to one of my mentors for advice.

That advice landed in my cells in the moment I needed it most. And because I was clear of what my vision was I was able to anchor back into it and as a result transform my business & life for the better.

I know in my heart that vision-driven entrepreneurs are the ones who are going to transform the world for the better… but that can only happen if they have the ability to communicate their vision and message in a clear and powerful way.

That’s where we come in.

We’ve built a company that others want to model… not for vanity reasons, but because we’ve created a win-win-win model that’s become a gold standard for others to rise and play a bigger game and build businesses that are good for everyone involved.

Some of my close mentors include Mary Morrissey, Joe Polish, JJ Virgin, Sara Blakely, and Cameron Herold who help challenge me to grow as a leader.

I am regularly invited to facilitate discussions for large organizations like 

United Nations to help the stakeholders clarify and hold a vision

while resolving conflicts and mapping solutions.

My North Star has always been to become the most grateful and generous woman I can be and live out the vision Source has for me to bring to the world.

I’ve been given the greatest gift which is to know what I’m put on this planet to do, which is to help connect the world to VISION. I don’t take this lightly and am committed to serving the gift fully.

Everyday I wake up feeling so grateful, passionate, and honoured for the work I get to do in the world and the opportunity to lead and guide my team and clients.

And this all brings me to you.

This Vivid Vision is going to take the right people.

Whether you are a current or up-and-coming Vision Driven Global...

…I would love to hear from you on how you believe you can help make this vision a reality, faster. Email me at to share how you can support!