Notice yourself getting caught up in the ‘how’ when creating your company vision?​

Maybe you hear these voices pop up that say:​

“How are you going to make THAT happen??”​

“You don’t know how to do THAT.”​

Or, “Is that really realistic?” ​

If so, you’re not alone. It’s quite common when you stretch yourself to create a compelling vision.​

Here are two important things to remember:​

1. If you knew the how, it would be a goal, not a vision.​ 

Goals should be in service of our vision.​ A key part of crafting your vision is not knowing the how (right now)—so you’re on the right track!​

2. It’s a process.

Any time you hear those voices come up (“Ok, but HOW am I going to make this happen?”), remind those parts of yourself that they can have a voice… just not right now.​

The “how” and strategy will come after. Right now, focus on the dream.​

If you could have it all your way, what would you want your culture, team, services, etc. to look like?​

Allow yourself to want what you want and dream big. ​If you’re not excited about it, then you’re probably not dreaming big enough.​

Do you notice yourself getting caught up in the how?

Check out this episode of “It All Started With A Vision,” to discover: 
  • The difference between goals, plans, and vision and how to avoid getting stuck in the “how”.
  • A 2-step process to follow to help your brain calm down and lean into gaining clarity of the vision.  
  • How to know where to begin taking action on your vision.

Check out the full episode below!

