The Conscious Copy Farewell Bundle

 The Connect & Convert Course 2.0 + Swipe Files

Discover How To Write Copy That Connects & Gets The Right People To Click, Open, & Buy (In Half The Time)

Never Stare At A Blank Document Again, Wondering How You’re
Going To Write Words That Sell Your Stuff Online

*Sign up before January 13th, 2023 and get a bonus LIVE Training + Hot Seat
for a chance for your copy to be reviewed (Value $1,500)

From The Desk of Jennifer Hudye

December, 2022

I started Conscious Copy & Co. back in 2015.

At our core, we’ve always existed to help entrepreneurs communicate the vision and message they’re here to share with the world in a way that inspires people to take action. 

Also, we want to show people that online marketing doesn’t have to feel sleazy or salesy. You can come from a service-driven place in your messaging and copywriting.

Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of working with household names like Tony Robbins, Joe Polish, Cameron Herold, Dan Sullivan, JJ Virgin, Allison Maslan, Brendon Burchard, Sally Hogshead, Eben Pagan, Bulletproof Coffee, Billy Gene Shaw, and hundreds of other brilliant thought leaders and companies through our online courses, workshops, and high-level programs.

And after much thought and consideration, we’re evolving into our next big vision of our new company name called Vision Driven. 

So, on January 10th, 2023, we will close this chapter of Conscious Copy & Co. and begin a new one under the brand Vision Driven.

To celebrate our final launch and give back to our amazing community, we are packaging our Connect & Convert Course 2.0 with new modules, all of our best high-converting templates and swipe files, plus loads of bonuses into The Conscious Copy Farewell Bundle. 

Inside, you’ll get step-by-step training to help you clarify your marketing message and attract more of the people you were meant to help through the power of your words (at a fraction of the price).

Continue reading to learn more 🙂 …

Here Are Some Of The Entrepreneurs Who Have Used
The Conscious Copy Method™ Over The Years

I sold out 110% of my workshop using what I learned.

“I love how easy and authentic my writing is and how what my audience read before they got to my workshop made them realize I could really help them.”

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— Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge
Founder & Director of Dr. Roseann and Associates
“I took what I learned and updated some copy on a page that was already live. The conversions went from 60 to over 400 within a couple of days… with the only change being the copy. As a result we did an additional $50,000 that week. This stuff really works!”
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— Don Cooper
Innovator Industrial Services Inc.
"Because of [what I learned] I have confidence in my own intuition and can now see how there is a way to do sales, marketing, and copy that is genuine, authentic, and isn’t over-salesy or pushy.”
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— Dr. Heidi Hanna
Founder and CEO of Synergy

So, Are You Ready To…

Have more of the right people taking action because of your copy?

Sell more of your stuff online without coming across as pushy or needy?

Have people read your stuff and feel excited to learn how they can work with you vs feeling like they have to be convinced?

Leave people better than when you found them thanks to your marketing?

If So, You’re Not Alone.


You know you can really help your customers & clients. 

You know you are the best at what you do. 

You know your product / service really works. 

Yet when you try to communicate what you do and why it’s different in a way that stands out and gets your ideal client to take action… you get stuck and frustrated.    

Or, maybe you feel overwhelmed because you or your team poured countless hours and thousands of dollars into your marketing… only to test it, and have it completely flop. No clicks. No opens. No sales. Just crickets.  

Whatever “tactic” you’re trying to use—Facebook Ads, organic social media, emails, sales pages, Messenger bots, webinars, direct mail, etc…  

They all have one thing in common that determines whether you get more clients or not:

The words on the page, aka THE COPY. 


Except they don’t call in sick and they don’t show up late… they just do their job, which is to sell!

IF they are set up to convert…

If not, then they are kinda like thousands… even millions of little sales repellers who stop people you can genuinely help from saying “YES” and buying.

With the right copy, you can attract more high-level clients through your marketing more consistently and predictably so you can convert browsers into customers and raving fans for life.

What You’ll Get When You Buy The Conscious Copy Farewell Bundle

This program consists of two main pillars:

1. The Connect & Convert Course 2.0 ($12,997 value)

The course is delivered through video, audio, and worksheets, all in our easy-to-use online portal.  

You’ll get simple tools, templates, and frameworks that show you how to write copy that gets the right people to click, open, and buy in half the time.

Module 1: The Ideal Client Snapshot™:  How To Write Copy That Attracts The Right Buyers

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  • Gain clarity of your ideal clients’ “hot buttons” and what they need to hear in order to feel ready and confident to buy using The Ideal Client SnapshotTM

  • The 6-point test to help you ensure that you only attract your dream clients through your copy. 

  • Module 2: The Compelling Offer Communicator™:  Communicate Your Offer So It’s A “No-Brainer” For The Right People

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  • The 13 most critical pieces of information you must have to communicate your offer in a clear and compelling way.

  • How to create authentic urgency that helps your ideal clients come to a decision.

  • Module 3:  Your Unique Message & Method

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  • How to communicate how you’re different by crafting a message that feels authentic and gets people excited about how you can help them.

  • How to state what you do, who you do it for, and how you do it in a simple & powerful way.

  • Module 4: 15 Unique Ways To Capture Attention
    Through Powerful Headlines

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  • Use these easy and proven headline plug-and-play templates to help you grab your reader’s attention without being “clickbaity.”

  • The 3 words your ideal client needs to hear to believe you can help them.

  • Module 5: Create Interest & Desire That Keeps Them Reading

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  • 5 unique ways to strike an emotional chord and have them thinkin’ “You get me!” and “Where do I sign up?” (without pushy & aggressive claims)

  • Simple and authentic ways to unravel the objections in a non-pushy, non-aggressive way.

  • Module 6: How To Sell The Destination… Not The Commute

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  • You’ll learn a 3-step formula for writing benefit statements that’ll change the way you communicate in your business forever.

  • Learn the simple 3-word string that’ll help your ideal clients immediately see that you get them and can really help.

  • Module 7: How To Build Immediate Credibility & Trust… Even With Complete Strangers Who Randomly Find Your Stuff

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  • Answer these 3 questions, and you’ll know how to position yourself so you stand out in a noisy and crowded world.

  • How to use the most powerful marketing tool on the planet so you can communicate to even the most skeptical people that you can genuinely help them.

  • Module 8: How To Call The Right People Into Action

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  • Train your audience to open, click, sign up, and buy without being pushy or salesy.

  • 2 simple tools to create urgency and have people see why “now” is the time for them to step forward into their vision.

  • 2. Our Highest Converting Swipe Files ($10K+ Value)

    It can be overwhelming and frustrating when you have an important project with a creeping deadline on your plate, yet you keep procrastinating because you’re stuck on where to begin. So, you’re left with the blank, white page staring back at you.

    We provide you with proven and repeatable plug-and-play copy templates to help you get a head start on writing copy in days rather than weeks or months so you can grow faster.

    Some of our current templates include:

    These are the exact same tools and frameworks my team and I use to write the top online marketing campaigns for big-name entrepreneurs, and what clients pay over tens of thousands of dollars a day for me to help them with 1:1.

    *Prices goes up on January 20th, 2023.

    How It’s Delivered To You

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    Video Trainings That Are Shorter Than Standing In Line For A Coffee

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    • Forget the dragged out, boring, two-hour-long video trainings over here. All of the videos are short and to the point so you can start writing cash-creating copy in no time!
    Double Right Arrow Icon

    Swipe Files, Templates, and Outlines

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    • Plug-and-play email and social media templates to speed up the time it takes to go from idea → sale.
    Double Right Arrow Icon

    The Conscious Copy Workbook

    • Easy to fill out worksheets to help you string together your sales copy, so all you gotta do is upload it, send it, and watch the sales roll in.
    Double Right Arrow Icon

    Instant Access

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    • Need to write that sales page for your new product… like yesterday?  Jump in immediately so you can get it launched in no time.

    Regular Investment

    Choose The Plan That Works Best For You

    *Sign up before January 13th, 2023 and get bonus LIVE Training + Hot Seat for
    a chance for your copy to be reviewed (Value $500)

    Best Value

    One Payment of
    • USD
      *Price goes up on January 20th, 2023

    Payment Plan

    3 Payments of
    • USD
      *Price goes up on January 20th, 2023
    Conscious Copy Image

    Sign Up Now And Get These Additional Bonuses, FREE!


    Bonus #1: How To Write Like Ya’ Talk Training (Value $197))

    • The 5 “bad copy archetypes” that cause buyers to become so bored by reading your copy that they leave too soon… and what to do instead.

    Bonus #2: 5 Ways To Seed & Sell Training (Value $197)

    • 5 simple ways to have your prospects asking to buy… long before you even make the offer.

    Bonus #3: 8 Ways To Consistently Generate Qualified Leads For Your Business Training (Value $397)

    • The different types of leads and lead generation options to attract consistent qualified leads into your business.

    Bonus #4: How To Get Testimonials, Case Studies, and New-Sign Ups From Your Favorite Clients Training (Value $397))

    • Learn how to continue working with current clients, the 3 phases of marketing and client relationships, AND a step-by-step formula to get powerful testimonials and case studies.

    Bonus #5: How To Create A Referral Program So You Attract More Of Your Best Clients Training (Value $397)

    • Calculate what a referral is actually worth to you, exactly how to structure your referral program for maximum impact, and how to set it up from scratch with a simple yet powerful strategy.

    Bonus #6: 7 Prompts To Craft Education-Based Content That Leads To Your Offers (Value $197)

    • Educate your ideal client on what they need to know in order to help them make a confident buying decision and unravel common objections before they get on the phone.

    Bonus #7: 6 Business & Marketing Books Jennifer LOVES ($19 value)

    • My go-to list of must-read business and marketing books that transformed my business and life over the years.

    Bonus #8: Sign up by January 13th, 2023 and get a bonus LIVE Training + Hot Seat (Value $1,500)

    • Learn module one live from our Copy Coach.This virtual group call is a place for you to submit your copy for a chance for it to be reviewed LIVE by our Conscious Copy Coach.

    Total Value Including FREE Bonuses = $24,779+

    Choose The Plan That Works Best For You

    Best Value

    One Payment of
    • USD
      *Price goes up on January 20th, 2023

    Payment Plan

    3 Payments of
    • USD
      *Price goes up on January 20th, 2023
    Conscious Copy Image

    Wins From Entrepreneurs Just Like You Who Have
    Used The Conscious Copy Method™

    “I’d get writer’s block the minute I started thinking I needed to write an email. I would put it off all day long. As long as you’re coachable, this process will manifest the end result: You’ll be able to plug and play and duplicate yourself over and over again through your message. This is a way to get your time back. ”
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    — Trina Felber
    CEO of Primal Life Organics
    "One of the biggest breakthroughs I had was realizing I’ve been making it way more complicated than it needs to be, thinking I need to reinvent the wheel every time I write something. The structures and templates provided make it so much more doable. By being more benefit-driven in my communication, my client had a breakthrough, and after two years, over the last day, she sold out her first program."
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    — Sacha Sterling
    Business Coach
    “Before, I was really connected to how great the service I provide is and was frustrated by how challenging it was to get that into the lap, inbox, and awareness of the people it would most serve. If you have dreams of doubling, tripling, quadrupling your sales and impact, and you’re not doing it, it’s likely your message is faulty. If you want to take real quantum leaps in your business, then this is going to help you do it.”
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    — Theora Moench
    CEO of Truly Chosen
    “Going to the Conscious Copy workshop has been THE needle-mover in my business. It’s for anyone whose business can be helped by more effective copy (which is to say all of us). I can easily say I’ve landed a handful of 5-figure clients as a result of what I learned in just a few days. Honestly if you did it, and it didn’t pay off fivefold, I would be shocked.”
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    — Anna David
    NY Times bestselling author of 8 books, TEDx speaker, journalist, & podcaster
    "Because of the Method, I have confidence in my own intuition and can now see how there is a way to do sales, marketing, and copy that is genuine, authentic, and isn’t over-salesy or pushy.”
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    — Dr. Heidi Hanna
    Founder and CEO of Synergy
    “You can sit in front of me and feel how in love and committed I am, but if you looked at my online presence, it [was] boring. The big breakthrough for me was learning that I can write copy that can reach out and touch a woman as much as I can reach out and touch her when I’m sitting in front of her, and that’s huge for me because that's my zone of genius and you [couldn’t] feel that in my online presence.”
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    — Dr. Cleopatra Kamperveen
    Fertility & Pregnancy Specialist

    Your Teacher: Jennifer Hudye

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    Jennifer Hudye is the founder of Vision Driven, a group of companies focused on helping entrepreneurs clarify and communicate the vision and message they’re here to bring to the world. The brands include Conscious Copy & Co. (Founder), (Partner alongside Cameron Herold), and Vision Amplifier (Co-founder). She quickly grew Conscious Copy & Co. to one of the top copywriting companies in the digital marketing world, where they help entrepreneurs communicate their vision and message in a way that inspires people to take action. She’s also a frequent guest speaker at top entrepreneurial events, including Genius Network Annual Event, Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO), Traffic & Conversion Summit, TEDx, and War Room. Past clients include household names like Tony Robbins, Strategic Coach, Joe Polish, Bulletproof Coffee, Brendon Burchard, and many other noteworthy experts. In 2019 Jennifer co-led what was described as “The World’s Greatest Copywriting Panel” at the Genius Network Annual Event alongside legendary copywriters. Perry Belcher introduced her as “the copywriter behind the top copywriters” when she spoke at Madison Square Garden in NYC. 

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    Backed By The Conscious Copy Commitment 100% Money-Back Guarantee

    Here’s our promise.

    All you gotta do is show that you actually gave it a shot by sending in the worksheets for the first three modules to show you were truly committed to giving the course a shot!

    If you did and you don’t feel we’ve delivered the value we promised—just email our support team at with your worksheets, and we’ll issue you a full refund.  

    So the worst-case scenario is you get to test-run it for free…

    Best case is you start attracting loads of new clients who want to do business with you. 

    If that sounds good to you, click the link below now to join us! I guarantee you’ll love it!

    Regular Investment

    Choose The Plan That Works Best For You

    *Sign up before January 13th, 2023 and get bonus LIVE Training + Hot Seat for a chance for your copy to be reviewed (Value $1,500)

    Best Value

    One Payment of
    • USD
      *Price goes up on January 20th, 2023

    Payment Plan

    3 Payments of
    • USD
      *Price goes up on January 20th, 2023
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    If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to We would love to assist you!

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