How many times have you written the PERFECT email that leads to the most compelling sales page your team has ever created… you’re so pumped to send it out to your list… you KNOW it’s pure gold and will convert to $$…

And then crickets.

You wonder why the sales aren’t rolling in, so you check your email stats and find out that only 5% of your list even opened the email in the first place. So frustrating!!

Whether you’re brand new to the game, or have a list of over 100,000 people… there is ONE thing that will always be on your mind:

“How can I increase my open rates?”

Today, I’m going to share 4 surprisingly easy tips to increase your open rates.

But first…

Here’s what a 2 of our clients have to say about my team’s ability to increase their open rates:

“If content is king, then Jennifer and her Conscious Copy & Co. are Queen! Jennifer brought our email list up to a whole other level of engagement that not only got our subscribers talking more, but doing more. Oh, and she also got us higher open rates, conversions, and responses. – Matt Gottesman, Founder of Makers & Moguls

“Although I’ve been in the online space for 10+ years and have 500,000 followers combined over my social media platforms, I didn’t know what I was doing when it came to email. We created a clear path for my tribe to understand who I am, what I’m about, and how I can help them. I cannot recommend Conscious Copy enough. I’ve had more sales, better open rates, and connection with my customer. I want everybody to know about this.” -Danny-J Johnson, Social Media Influencer and Founder of #FindTheMoneyProject &

Ok… back to the 4 tips on increasing your open rates…

There are two secrets to this.

The first, is training your readers to open your emails.

The second is writing powerful subject lines… this is what I’m going to share with you today 🙂

Here are 4 incredible structures to use in your subject lines:

  1. How to X without Y: How To Increase Sales Without Buying More Ads; How To Lose 12 Pounds Without Exercising; How To Write Powerful Sales Copy Without Hiring A Copywriter
  1. What To Do If X: What to do if your email marketing stops working; What to do if people stop buying; What to do if your chihuahua eats a penny; What to do if your husband’s using your hair straightener
  1. Ya Don’t Know What You Don’t Know: What You Don’t Know About French Kissing; What You Don’t Know About Consumer Psychology; What You Don’t Know About Giving Your Cat A Bath
  1. The mind is drawn to mystery. Use words like: secrets, weird, strange, controversial, tricks, “that they don’t want you to know,” etc. Ex- The 5 Best Strategies Your Competitors Don’t Want You To Know; 5 Strange Email Subject Lines To Increase Open Rates

I hope these helped!

Action step: Go through your recent emails that you’ve already sent out, and practice using some of these strategies to improve the subject lines.

Practice makes perfect, right? 😉

P.S. In this post I shared 4 ways to improve your headlines… in my short, yet results-driven course, Conscious Copy Fundamentals, we dive into 4 additional subject line strategies that increase open rates.

Not only that, but we dive deep into:

  1. Email marketing strategies
  2. Copywriting & messaging strategies
  3. Consumer psychology (aka why people buy)
  4. How to interview your prospects & become irresistible to them
  5. And more!

If you thought this post was helpful… your mind will be blown when you check out this course. Find out more here >>>

